Sunday, May 29, 2011

stars background images

stars background images. ackground white stars
  • ackground white stars

  • Luph67
    Mar 28, 02:46 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    stars background images. There are many reddish star
  • There are many reddish star

  • John Purple
    Jan 14, 12:48 PM
    Notebooks with (satelite) tv radio build-in
    Isn't that in the air :cool:

    stars background images. Tiled blue stars background
  • Tiled blue stars background

  • Arcady
    Sep 12, 01:26 AM
    don't think we're just getting Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck movies

    Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.

    stars background images. pink stars background
  • pink stars background

  • peas
    Sep 28, 12:39 PM
    what sucks is that academic ve4rsions are not allowed this free update.
    what bs. considering i just bought the freakin app not more than 3 weeks ago.

    stars background images. Stars Background Set
  • Stars Background Set

  • inkswamp
    Oct 3, 04:00 AM
    Ug, I can't believe I just defended a monopoly.

    Bear in mind, there is nothing inherently bad in a company having a monopoly, not even Microsoft. What's bad (and illegal) is when a company in such a position abuses its monopolistic power. I have to remind MS defenders of this fact as many of them don't seem to grasp the nuance here. MS wasn't in trouble for being a monopoly (rightly so--being one is not illegal.) MS was in trouble for abusing that power.

    Speaking of MS defenders, is it my imagination or are there an awful lot of Macrumors newbies on the board now who seem to bash Apple pretty quickly and at every turn? What's that all about?

    stars background images. swirly stars random lines
  • swirly stars random lines

  • rhett7660
    Apr 21, 11:14 AM
    Will we be able to see who voted on our posts? That would be very interesting!

    stars background images. Multi Background Stars
  • Multi Background Stars

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 04:44 PM
    Seems silly... would be useful if you got coupons or something special out of the Ads.

    Silly App.

    stars background images. stars-ackground.jpg layout
  • stars-ackground.jpg layout

  • whoooaaahhhh
    Jan 8, 02:10 PM
    When you spend the whole year waiting for the event you want the moment to be perfect.

    What are we doing here...losing our virginity? Yeesh!

    stars background images. Bursting Stars Background
  • Bursting Stars Background

  • ucfgrad93
    Mar 17, 01:32 AM
    Who are you anyway? Judge Jury and Executioner? Please

    Of course not. We are simply responding to your post. The problem is, we are not responding in the way you expected. You posted and thought that you would be congratulated for "sticking it to the man.":rolleyes:

    stars background images. bokeh stars background
  • bokeh stars background

  • j-huskisson
    Sep 12, 07:41 AM
    You won't be if Apple are increasing the bitrate of audio tracks as part of the update. It's about time they did.

    To be honest I don't care about the bitrate of audio tracks..

    However if they brought American TV shows onto a global release date (ie we get them the same time as they do) - THEN i'd care about the update.

    Anything else is just more clutter..

    stars background images. Rainbow and stars background
  • Rainbow and stars background

  • WillEH
    Apr 27, 08:01 PM
    I think the whole issue is about them filming it and laughing, and encouraging it. Not the fact that people were fighting in McDonalds. People fight all over the world, in many places. Should each place be held responsible because someone had a fight? no and yes, depends on the situation. Should each place be held responsible if the staff are laughing, filming, and egging people on? yes and no. Yes for the fact they were very unprofessional. But McDonalds can't be blamed for the fight happening in a restaurant they own. They can however be blamed for the way the staff acted. But can you really expect any less of someone who hates the job they're in, Paid minimum wage, etc. Humans at the end of the day are Animals. We are entertained by death, pain and sadness. We always have been, and always will be. It's in the blood, it's been in the instinct for thousands, if not millions of years. We're barbarians. Like it or not.

    stars background images. stars background wallpaper.
  • stars background wallpaper.

  • bakerzdosen
    Nov 23, 04:30 PM
    I haven't seen a lower price on the iSight I bought last year on BF $135 shipped incl tax. (With one possible exception, and that was a clearance/misprint at microcenter that they still honored in a couple cases.) I only paid slightly less for a used one on eBay a month before - and it's an earlier revision. Sometimes it's not that bad of a deal.

    stars background images. backgrounds stars 6104
  • backgrounds stars 6104

  • faroZ06
    Apr 8, 02:16 PM
    I told you the rumor was false. The other article had a really cheapo source...

    stars background images. Night sky ackground, star
  • Night sky ackground, star

  • balamw
    Oct 2, 04:11 PM
    Think of the iPod with hundreds of licensed content providers out there trying to outdo each other. I can't imagine why Apple hasn't done it yet.
    I can't believe that people are disgruntled that we are forced to use iTunes with iPod.
    iTunes is brilliant.
    It's not as if we are forced to use something really crummy like WMP with the worlds favourite MP3 player.
    That's the problem.

    ITunes+iPod succeeds because of its inherent simplicity. Unfortunately choice isn't that simple. Opening up Fairplay isn't enough, since it opens up the iPod, but not iTunes.

    EDIT: This was the biggest problem with Real's Harmony. You could add songs to your 'Pod, but as soon as you synced with iTunes, you'd lose the Real songs. Not simple. You'd end up chosing iTunes vs. Real.


    stars background images. Stars Background
  • Stars Background

  • stoid
    Aug 7, 08:21 PM
    Apple is usually slow to update things like Education pricing etc.

    The Edu price will go down within a few days. :)

    The old edu discount on the 20 inch was $699 (yesterday and this morning), so unless Apple drops the price AGAIN.

    The price drops for the 20 and 23 inch are as follows

    size � old (edu) -> new (edu)
    20" � 799 (699) -> 699 (649)
    23" � 1299 (1099) -> 999 (899)

    I'm not sure on the 30", but I reckon it followed a similar pattern.

    stars background images. strange bed mates stars
  • strange bed mates stars

  • Paix247
    Jan 9, 08:57 AM
    Slim MacBook Pro
    Redesigned Mac Mini
    Larger ACD (No Redesign) & Price Drops
    iTunes Movie updates (rental & DVD)

    stars background images. Star field over a red horizon
  • Star field over a red horizon

  • freebooter
    Oct 13, 03:00 PM
    Jobs should build his iPhone of houses out of iPhones. ;)

    stars background images. stars2.jpg stars background
  • stars2.jpg stars background

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 9, 04:59 PM
    i expect a new iphone(yes i do).the current iphone i think sucks i rather buy a nokia/sony ericson.
    a new mbp.ore even bether i really want that new ultraportebole with nice penryn to go.
    and what about that blueray?after warner has gone for the kill in toshibas heart and the theory microsoft just want chaos in blueray/hd sales so they can sell downloaded movies from the internett-maybe apple likes that theory as well ?would not suprise me.
    And if they update the macpro why dont they update the cinema displays?(look at the name "cinema" displays you really expect something juicy with that name)
    but like allways apple are allways interestet in proclaming that there products state of the art some of the products are.But if the product are state of the art - the product often speaks for it selfs..and if you are interested in a new fancy screen with that macpro check out the dell glass screen thats really something.
    'And what about that games?why cant apple/steve jobs close the deal with more gamedesigners so that mac/appleusers can stop playing on windows on ther mac(never gonna hapend i supouse)...
    dont allways wait for apple thats my tip but i really expect something groundbreaking to hapend inn MWSF - if not i would be just as shocking(thypical apple)...

    Whoah... I can't make heads nor tales of this post, it's unreadable.

    stars background images. Stars Background
  • Stars Background

  • twoodcc
    Jul 13, 10:02 PM
    farout man, thats BS. is it ADSL?

    it's cable internet. the company is mediacom. it's the only cable company out here. but i guess i might have to go dsl if they don't fix it

    Oct 3, 01:08 PM
    I think Macbook Pros will be updated at MWSF. Also, doubt the true video iPod will be out by then... all the designs being thrown around look too high-tech for now, and issues with scratches on the touch screen will have to be taken care of as well. I'd say more like Holiday 2007 for that~

    Sep 25, 11:39 AM
    I love the new loupe, that's really handy how you can park it to the side and it follows your cursor without obstructing your larger view. Quite a nice upgrade I think, and for free!:)

    Is this available in software update yet?

    They said "This Week". That may well meen Friday. If it's going to be today the language is normally "Available today" or "Available immediately"

    Mar 16, 11:32 AM
    Because when he focuses on one device, Apple 'win'.

    And when he can't justify that.. he then lashes out on the consumer for buying the product . For example - Kinetic being the fastest selling tech product ever - I think he called consumers something like "MMO loses"...


    What difference does it make if one Android device outsells the iPhone? Many of the features are in the OS, not the hardware.

    Yes.. exactly.

    Additionally, one size doesn't fit all... the combination of the hardware and the software.

    Want an Android physical keyboard qwerty layout - there's an Android phone for that!

    Nov 24, 06:57 PM
    I'm wondering the same thing.

    Apr 21, 11:45 AM
    It is against forum rules to simply reply "+1": what on earth is the difference between that and clicking a button to say "+1"?
    The difference is, clicking the vote button doesn't add a useless post to the thread and doesn't increase the voter's post count (since many have used +1 posts in the past to artificially boost their post counts for avatars, etc.)

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