Sunday, May 29, 2011

friends quotes images

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  • JForestZ34
    Mar 17, 04:23 PM
    I feel bad for the kid who's not going to have a job because a costumer was too American to be honest and tell him that he did not pay the correct amount.

    What is American coming to? I think I'll move to Japan.

    If the kid didn't make sure he had all the money than it's all on him.. He's the one working the register.. He's supposed to make sure it's paid for..

    I don't feel sorry for him.. This is how you learn....


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  • gceo
    Apr 15, 05:58 PM
    I thought this was the new iPhone HD:

    Now if that's fake, they did a damn good job. (and have a ton of time on their hands)

    On a related note, does anyone know how to embed a YT video in a post?

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 04:00 PM
    How can you be so certain of this as to say "That is it. Period."? Sources plz?

    Sources? Plz. :cool:

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  • ziggyonice
    May 3, 11:54 PM
    I got chills.

    Nice work, Apple! Now do the same thing to your iPhone ads.
    (And Mac ads, for that matter.)

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  • Hovey
    Jul 21, 12:04 PM
    But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.

    They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.

    It's a problem.
    It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.

    The debate here is not whether there's a problem, but why Apple is obfuscating, rather than fixing it, pretending that bridging the gap of their electrically exposed antenna is equivalent to attenuating an antenna by completely covering it with one's meaty hand.
    (seems like moving this gap to the bottom edge of the phone where it's far less likely to be touched, would be an easy fix).

    Umm, that's still less than 1%. That's pretty good. That would be out of 100 million calls. 99 million calls were fine.

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  • iBlue
    Apr 26, 10:50 AM
    Years back I suggested a thanks button but it went nowhere. In truth I'm glad because it was flawed idea and so is this. Of all the things that could really use changing around here THIS is what we get? I really don't understand the point at all but I can certainly see some big drawbacks to it.

    Firestarter had some good ideas here ( if it simply must stick around but I really hope it doesn't. I've watched it happen on other forums - it becomes a popularity contest more than anything useful, particularly if there are little to no controls with it.

    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Oct 10, 05:11 PM
    Perhaps Apple is selling less of the newly released iPods than they thought 'cos many people are holding off until the iPod Video is released...
    They can't be bummed since they aren't advertising it. The average consumer probably couldn't even tell it's been upgraded (except for the screen brightness)

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  • Chosenbydestiny
    Nov 25, 09:44 AM
    Bought my very first mac, core 2 duo macbook 2 ghz white. Didn't know they would be on sale, I had been saving this cash for a mac since the rumors of core 2 duo laptops started. I'm so happy to have finally switched now, hopefully the results of my music projects will be better. Although right now.... I'm pretty much just playing with widgets, lol.

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  • bearbo
    Jan 12, 02:29 AM
    And only 200 new patents.

    please tell me you know about the process of obtaining a patent.

    if i have the money, i can come up with 5 things, right now, to be patented. but you don't care, do you.

    point being, it's not hard to get patent... as long as you fulfill those 3 requirement (novelty, non-obviousness, usefulness), and after a few yrs, you will be grant a patent.

    the lacks of buttons on a phone could ne novel and non-obvious, but is that really THAT exciting? sure it's great and all, but c'mon, it's not revolutionary.

    i'm not saying iphone is crap, it's just disappointing from all the hype.

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  • SockRolid
    Apr 15, 01:13 PM
    Obviously fake. Look at the slanted iPhone writing on the bottom photo. Horrible photoshop skills

    Yes, the photoshopper got the perspective and angle wrong on text in the 3rd shot. Also, the volume switch hole shading is obviously off.

    All that, plus the graininess of the image is exactly what you would get when you apply the "noise" filter in photoshop. Not what you would get from the natural low-light graininess of either high speed color film or digital cameras.

    I'm not a photoshop pro, but I've photoshopped tons of color slides and digital images and all 3 of the images look fake to me. Having said that, as much as I love my '08 iPhone 3G, I think it's time for either a mostly-aluminum or zirconium dioxide redesign in 2010.

    Apple has apparently patented some kind of zirconium dioxide manufacturing process for electronics enclosures. It's strong material, won't scratch, and is radio-transparent:

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  • Small White Car
    Oct 6, 10:18 AM
    Hey. Good for them.

    An even BETTER commercial would focus on the fact that AT&T service is slow and drops out even where there IS coverage.

    Maybe that'll be their next ad.

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  • johndallas999
    Apr 25, 01:34 PM
    I don't get the fascination with a marginal bigger screen, if I need a bigger screen I get my iPad.

    It's just a preference thing. I don't think it's the way everyone feels but that's like saying, I don't understand why people think 3.5" screen is plenty. People have different tastes/opinions. I would certainly prefer a larger screen if the phone size can be kept the same size.

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  • yellow
    Apr 6, 10:39 AM
    Sorry folks, unlocked/locked correct threads this time. :D

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  • Forever
    Sep 12, 07:56 AM
    5PM GMT
    6PM BST

    BST is what i meant hahaha, cheers dude, will have to check macrumours on my mobile as i'll have finished work by then

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  • sanford
    Jan 11, 06:27 PM
    Bloggers often struggle to gain acceptance as a valid and legitimate source of news, and with this stunt (see link) Gizmodo have helped to undermine those who have worked so hard to gain credibility within an elitist industry.

    I'm not without a sense of humour, but when Giz started screwing with a live presentation they crossed a line. This type of behaviour shouldn't be condoned in my opinion and a strong signal should be sent out to those responsible. Who's to say that they wouldn't interfere with an Apple event? What do you make of their actions?

    Games and gadgets, the concept of the fourth estate is a joke. Gadgets, it's primarily the online media. Games, it's both print and online, in general tone and especially in game reviews.

    A goofball walks into CES and does this, it's a practical joke, and he faces his own personal consequences. Find it funny or not, it's your own personal taste. Guys wearing press badges do this, anyone actively involved, they should all be fired by the parent company. Immediately. Period. No second chances. But Nick Denton is so afraid of not appearing cool and hip, he suborns what he probably thinks, or tells himself, is "gonzo" journalism, but it's really just a complete lack of respect for the profession; and he also panders to so-called "futurist" rhetoric as spouted by numerous thirty-year-old "cultural visionaries" with not so much as an undergrad degree in elementary education to their names.

    Not to mention that what they did is probably some state or federal higher-end misdemeanor; that is, a criminal act for which they could serve jail time.

    And no, I'm not a stiff or a prude: I love practical jokes. But members of the press *do not* interfere with events they are covering in their official capacities, while checked in under press credentials of all things. If Denton doesn't formerly apologize to the CES coordinators and the individual exhibitors affected, and then fire each member of his staff involved, he should not retain a single shred of public or industry credibility. Advertisers should boycott, and he should be put out of business, his whole operation.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 11:01 AM
    I don't see this ending well. See ratings for front page articles.

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  • TimUSCA
    Apr 25, 12:08 PM
    Looks legit to me other than that last one... which looks 110% fake.

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  • darthraige
    Dec 13, 01:40 PM
    I highly doubt an early 2011 verizon iphone. LTE, doubly so. If it's coming for Verizon, it will be unveiled/launch the same time as the AT&T iphone 5.

    And if you're wrong and it's announced in January? ;)

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  • LeeRain
    Aug 3, 04:25 PM
    Nokia???? What's a 'Nokia'?

    Jul 21, 09:35 AM
    Show me another phone that can drop calls from just the position of one finger. Nokia have their problems at the moment, but their reception has always been rock solid.

    As for people being surprised at Apple's childishness, have you forgotten about the douchetastic "I'm a Mac campaign".

    Apple is doing what they need to do to defend themselves against the smear job put out by the haters in the media and tech sites aligned against them.

    You would fight back to if it were your....well you probably wouldnt.

    anonymous guy
    May 2, 11:38 AM
    will the CDMA iPhone finally get an upgrade on time, or are they forever stuck in 4.2 fragmentation limbo?

    Apr 16, 04:20 PM
    Your only role models should be the ones your personally know. Teaching "gay history" is more about promoting homosexuality than helping children.

    I can't help but feel that your posts come from way inside the closet. Why do gay people frighten you so?

    Aug 1, 08:43 AM
    Ohhh :( everyone should be able to benefit from the beautiful iTunes music store... But i wish apple would hurry up in getting tv shows to the other stores!!!

    I would buy buy buy its so simplistic! LOl

    Sep 28, 01:25 PM
    In an age where architect and design firms are just starting to apply to Apple's design principles to the building of homes, Steve Jobs has gone and designed the iPhone of houses.

    WTH? Whoever wrote this clearly doesn't have any idea about what has been going on in architecture in, oh, the past 150 years. I met Peter Bohlin last year and we got to talking about his design strategies. He's been doing similar work throughout his career, even before BCJ (then Bohlin Powell) was founded in 1965. Check out Japanese architecture from the past 1,500 years.

    As an architecture major and architectural history minor I find this comment to be Jobs-worship. Thinking that nobody else could come up with the concept of a simple and sophisticated design is just asinine.

    My rant aside, I love the floor plan and can't wait to see some elevations/perspectives. Go BCJ!

    Also, on a side note, BCJ is the firm that designed Bill Gates' house...

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