Sunday, May 29, 2011

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  • pmz
    May 4, 08:13 AM
    Two answers come to mind:

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  • Arcady
    Sep 12, 01:26 AM
    don't think we're just getting Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck movies

    Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.

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  • maczter
    Nov 17, 01:03 PM
    meh. While it may or may not happen soon in the portables, I really would like to see at least the option sometime next year to get an AMD 4x4 based Mac Pro instead of Intel's pseudo quad-core...,72126-0.html?tw=wn_index_5

    I say AMD-based macs will definitely happen. I also say that Apple will not abandon Intel. They will merely offer various machines with your choice based on chips from the two vendors or perhaps some models that use chips from only on of the two vendors while other models let you choose, just as pretty much every single PC maker does these days. All this panic about "Apple wouldn't abandon Intel already", etc. is just silliness. Nobody says they can only work with Intel OR AMD but not both. Working with both is good for everyone as it keeps both suppliers on their toes and more eager to please. Why do you think Hugh Hefner keeps three girfriends these days? ;)

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  • gnasher729
    Oct 4, 04:30 PM
    Indeed, there would need to be a "helper" that checks to see where the track came from, and redirects it to DoubleTwist if necessary.

    I'm interested in seeing where this all goes, it'll hopefully silence the complaints of the lack of an NZ iTMS.

    Not necessarily. We don't know exactly how FairPlay works. Lets say I download my favorite song from iTMS. iTMS encrypts the song and adds my AppleID to it. When iTunes wants to play the song, it calls iTMS, gives it my AppleID, the iTMS returns a key to decrypt the song, iTunes decrypts it and plays it. Most likely iTunes will actually send both my AppleID + some ID for the song, so that if I crack the key for one song I cannot copy _all_ my songs.

    Now the question is: Does iTMS keep track of all the songs that I bought or not? If it doesn't keep track of all the songs then the following would be possible: DoubleTwist adds a a random song id to the song. Then it adds _my_ AppleID and encrypts the file. When iTunes wants to play the song, it notices that it is encrypted, and takes my AppleID plus the song ID and sends it to iTMS. If iTMS doesn't keep track of songs then it will calculate which key would decrypt the file (if Apple had sold me a song with that song ID). And that key could be used to decrypt the song.

    Another possibility: DoubleTwist could take the song ID and my AppleID from _any_ one song ABC that I bought from iTMS. It could be possible to find which key was used to encrypt that song from that information; nobody would have tried to make it difficult to find out. The decryption key is top secret, not the encryption key. So with this information, DoubleTwist could encrypt any song XYZ with exactly the same key as the one song ABC that I bought from iTMS. When I try to play any of those songs, iTunes will find the my Apple ID and the song ID of ABC attached to the song, sends it to iTMS, which returns the key to decrypt ABC, and uses it to decrypt XYZ. And since XYZ was encrypted with the same key as ABC, it will decrypt and play.


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  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    You think I'd be that harsh?! I'm almost offended :P

    Forgive me, i'm getting paranoid :)

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  • Geckotek
    Dec 19, 09:03 PM
    Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM.

    CDMA is not even close to being the dominate tech in cellular in China.

    Correct. Some numbers to back that up.

    China Mobile (GSM) = 558M subscribers (World's largest carrier)
    China Unicom (GSM) = 152M subscribers
    Verizon (CDMA) = 92M subscribers
    China Telecom (CDMA) = 85M subscribers
    China Mobile (TD-SCDMA*) = 17M subscribers
    *not the same CDMA Verizon or China Telecom uses so doesn't really count

    As you can see, GSM subscribers in China FAR outweigh the CDMA subscribers. Also, Verizon has more CDMA subscribers than China (not counting TD-SCDMA since it's not the same tech).

    However, China Mobile's GSM network is 2G. They are rapidly rolling out TD-SCDMA as their 3G replacement. This will eat away at the GSM subscriber base. This is also why China Unicom has the iPhone and China Mobile didn't. A lot of people wondered why the larger company didn't get it.


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  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 02:41 PM
    another thing people should keep in mind is...why release all new products at one event when you can stagger the release and keep interest over a longer period of time.

    i.e macbook pro updates are coming, just like most of things people want (although SOME of the things some people want are just downright crazy), but it wont happen at once, and its gonna take a while!

    I hope they will not delay MBP to avoid canibalism with MBA.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 19, 11:44 AM
    I believe that translates roughly into a 1,900% return on investment.

    I could tell, my broker thought I was certifiable when I put in the buy orders. BTW, he didn't have a computer at home in those days. Now he's got an iMac. ;)
    :D :D :D


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  • dmr727
    Aug 9, 05:33 PM
    I completely agree with your position that we should have access to the efficient and modern diesels in this country.

    I hear this comment all the time. I was in Europe a few months back, and diesels were all over the place too. I don't know squat about the automotive industry, but given what you guys are saying about diesel's efficiency and so on - it seems to me that offering a modern diesel would be a slam dunk for an automaker in the States.

    So it begs the questions - why isn't it happening?

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 11:16 AM
    Longer, healthier lives with more time to spend with family? Sounds horrendous.

    we'll see how france looks when the interest on their debt exceeds their GDP. Paid vacation has to end sometime


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  • wrxguy
    Sep 8, 09:20 AM
    kanye west can kiss my ass.....hes a whinny little bitch....

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  • arn
    Apr 21, 10:32 PM
    I agree. And there should be some kind of count of "thanks" for each member. And it can give us different "levels" based on our thankfulness. Kind of like how we achieve different statices based on our post count.

    "Thanks" might work in a pure support form. But for news discussion, it makes little sense.



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  • mmcc
    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Windows Live Marketplace in Windows Vista a integrated (badly integrated but still integrated), App Store before it was discontinued due to lack of consumers and made to redirect to a Microsoft website that sold some products?

    I believe Microsoft did partner with Digital River to bring 3rd party products to such a store. However it was badly organized, poorly promoted and ultimately drew little business as you indicate since it offered customers little or no benefit over direct purchases from the developer. Developers lost interest. It morphed into the current MS/DR relationship where DR handles much of the on-line sales of MS products.

    I sort of hope developers lose interest in the Mac App Store as well. ;) Unfortunately, consumers love the basement pricing.

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 29, 01:04 AM
    Thanks for posting, looks scary but I like it! You planning on getting GPUs for the AMD systems? How do AMD processors go at f@h? Imagine if you got some GT260s on the 4 AMD systems :eek:


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  • Peel
    Oct 2, 06:07 PM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.
    I had a roommate in college that had an actual Jobs/Wozniak-built blue box. It was about 10 years old at the time, but still worked fine.

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  • dr_lha
    Oct 3, 03:49 PM
    lets hope for a great keynote:

    1- new Mac without display, performance would be better than imac, and not as much $$ as mac pro. basically a mid sized tower good enough for mid level use on graphics, games and much more. something upgradable by the end user.

    Not going to happen. You realise that Apple doesn't give a crap about the 100 nerds out there that want to be able to upgrade their graphics cards?

    They know that people who buy computers, tend to simply buy a new one rather than "upgrade parts". The only people who upgrade parts of their computers are gamers, and they aren't a serious market segment Apple will go for with a mid range tower.

    Its a small market segment that will cannibalise both iMac and Mac Pro sales if introduced. Anyone who wants a headless Mac out there is nicely covered by the Mac Mini. I know its not the computer "for you", but you have to realise that "you" are not the mass market that Apple is going for.


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  • NinjaHERO
    Sep 28, 09:16 PM
    If I touch it on the southwest corner will it not work? ;)


    You know what would be funny. What if he is just using this simple house design to calm the neighbors down. They were freaking out about him tearing down the old mansion. Maybe he will build this and leave it up a year or two and then tear it down and build a much bigger house when he doesn't have to submit anything to the association. Seems excessive, but rich people can afford the expensive comedy. :D

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  • i3iMac
    Mar 17, 01:49 PM
    Shopping at Best Buy is a crime in itself. :) I feel bad for the kid, but we don't know if he did that on purpose or had other motivation. Maybe he lives with his dad who is an abusive drunk and is trying to get fired as an excuse so he can move out of state to live with his mom and go to college with his old friends from back home. In that case, it's a win for both and the OP was doing the kid a favor and didn't know it. OMG my ipad2 just came to my door!

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  • moneyman118
    Jan 11, 02:57 PM
    No white iphone4 and no slim slot! Yay for iPhone 4 on Verizon!

    Oct 19, 03:08 PM
    Do you believe that the perpetual delay of Microsoft's Vista OS is allowing Apple to temporarily grab up some of the markey share? I'm not saying that people who would otherwise purchase a Wintel machine are switching to Mac because Vista is not out, but rather that some percentage are waiting to buy their new Core2Duo machine (or other upgrade to their current box) until they can get an full release version of Vista preinstalled on it.

    Just a conjecture, but I thought it was worth considering. I suppose we'll find out in the first two quarters of 2007 when Microsoft decides that they're ready to release that bad boy on the world . . .

    [JDOG, your post came in while I was still typing mine . . . sorry for the repeat]We're talking about hardware here, not OS. So Vista should have very little effect on Apple's PC marketshare, unless of course Vista's release encourages people to buy new PCs from Dell, HP, etc.

    Jan 11, 05:11 PM
    Without question, banned from CES.

    It costs companies a small fortune to attend and display at a show like this, would not be surprised if someone brought a suit against them.

    Totally unprofessional and unacceptable!

    Jan 15, 02:56 PM
    Absolute madness. No offence.

    Well, we'll wait and see. Laptops already account for over half of all new computer sales, and the iMac uses MOSTLY laptop parts as it is. The big thing holding laptops back has been drive speed and capacity. Those are both being improved upon with traditional HDDs and SSDs. The Time Capsule will become the place where you store your "extra" files and big media, etc. There's even already a spec being developed for wireless HD video communication for TV to media player connection. People could have a MacBook with a 20"+ display, 1TB HDD, and fullsize keyb and mouse on their desk with no wires. Add in an induction charging pad and you've got a really, really cool workspace.

    I think they'll bring back the $1500 PowerMac/Mac Pro and drop the iMac and mini lines in favor of expanded laptop lines, including a 20" "laptop" (wouldn't be the first one on the market).

    Jan 7, 06:41 PM
    Is it possible to download the entire keynote file (.avi) to my hard disk instead of viewing it streamed? Is it possible at all with Safari, or do I need Firefox and some extension/plugin?


    Mar 23, 11:20 AM
    Hahaha! Wow! I thought I would never have a reason to share my media on a 360, but for security purposes, I should :) That is amazing and stupid on your neighbor's part. See, there's reason to invest in the $100 WiFi dongle. :D

    Please do keep us posted. That may not enough for a warrant, but maybe having a cop visit either homes may be enough for someone to break. It is only down to two houses after all.

    Wow, stealing WiFi AND a X-Box 360? Any laws in your area about stealing an internet connection? :D

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