Sunday, May 29, 2011

estructura del adn

estructura del adn. Estructura de ADN.
  • Estructura de ADN.

  • balamw
    Oct 2, 04:36 PM
    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.
    The problem is that I don't see how it can be iTunes compatible without Apple's involvement. (See above post on Real Harmony). iTunes will only query ITMS for validating a DRMed file, not DoubleTwist or Amazon. Without iTunes things get a lot less compelling.


    estructura del adn. EL ADN esta retorcido sobre un
  • EL ADN esta retorcido sobre un

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 19, 05:14 PM
    but we have a 4th user, the MS diehard who is running the beta and RC stuff and keep trying to work up enthusiasm. and nobody cares.

    I hope you're not talking about me! I assure you I am no MS diehard. If anything, I'm the gamer/geek, but moreso the latter. I am a fan of technology... and while I wouldn't consider myself raving about Vista, I do recognize that it's a substantial piece of work. Just for reference, I was not impressed with 98, ME (HAH!), or XP, but I am mildly-so with Vista. Also for reference, I am WAAAAY more impressed with Mac OS X than I am with Vista. Maybe it's because I've come to expect pure crap out of MS but Vista is, instead, only a small turd. *shrugs* It's just a matter of perspective. ;)

    but as you point out, they WILL sell million of copies. all OEM. if they didn't have their OEM channel so locked down with anti-competative measures, they would have perished after that dog release of windows ME......

    I, personally, will buy a copy off the shelf... that is, after I buy myself a shiny new MacBookPro.


    P.S. Windows ME sucks. hehe. Idiots.

    estructura del adn. adn-estructura
  • adn-estructura

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 29, 04:29 PM
    btw- does anyone know why the current version is named Windows 7? Why 7?

    Microsoft needed the good luck after Vista. :p

    estructura del adn. La estructura del ADN
  • La estructura del ADN

  • p0intblank
    Jan 12, 12:36 AM
    I thought Steve Jobs did an EXCELLENT job at the keynote this week. It was probably his best one in a while. Maybe you just fail to recognize the good side of things?

    estructura del adn. ADN:
  • ADN:

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 15, 09:30 PM
    Yes and Palm smartphones and Blackberries never existed before the iPhone.

    They were "called" smart phones. But the iphone defined the direction the iphones of the future would take.

    estructura del adn. La estructura del ADN
  • La estructura del ADN

  • applekid
    Apr 15, 11:54 PM
    Re-read your post on the first page. So, there's been no one that has run into rtgoldfish on X-Box Live? :confused:

    At least that could make for a possible lead if someone could get the thief to say where he/she lives.

    estructura del adn. o doble hélice,
  • o doble hélice,

  • aristotle
    May 3, 03:09 PM
    1. Root
    2. XDA Forum
    3. Side load
    4. ???
    5. Winning.
    1. Carrier detects you are tethering for "free".
    2. Carrier "upgrades" your plan for you with tethering option fee.
    3. You either bend over and pay the fee or pay the cancellation fee.
    4. Either way, carrier is Winning.

    estructura del adn. estructura del ADN sobre
  • estructura del ADN sobre

  • Thex1138
    Sep 30, 08:14 PM
    There's a single Home Button in the middle...

    estructura del adn. la estructura del ADN.
  • la estructura del ADN.

  • m-dogg
    Sep 8, 04:29 PM
    I agree that his comments were inappropriate for that particular venue, but I'm doubtful that people decided not to donate money to hurricane victims.

    Edit: I forgot which thread I was posting in. I assume that jarednt1 was referring to Kanye West's comments during the fundraiser show last Friday night, or whenever that was. Of course, I don't imagine that Kanye West's comments (if any) at the Apple Keynote had much impact on donations to hurricane victims either. ;)

    I watched that NBC benefit last week where Kanye made his bush comments. afterwards on the local news they had a reporter at a call center nearby that was one of several taking the calls from that. they talked briefly about Kanye's comments and said that people did actually call back after his comments saying they wanted to cancel their donation because of what he said.

    I thought his comments were inappropriate for the fund raising forum he was participating in, but I was much more surprised & saddened that people actually called back and said they didn't want to donate to those in need becasue of what some musician said about the president...

    estructura del adn. LA ESTRUCTURA DEL ADN

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 02:27 PM
    I get crashed if I use this code: (trying to create an outlet for a button with a selector to a method that invalidates the Time).

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender

    estructura del adn. Estructura Del ADN
  • Estructura Del ADN

  • Full of Win
    Mar 24, 06:31 PM

    I hate intrude in the birthday party, but if OS X 10.0 can have indicators to which process in open and running in the background (the black triangles in the screen shot) in 2000, then why can't iOS in 2011? :rolleyes:

    estructura del adn. estructura del adn. estructura
  • estructura del adn. estructura

  • TheWatchfulOne
    Apr 15, 12:40 PM
    Is it just me, or is the writing on the 3rd photo a bit skewed, or rotated in an odd way?

    You are correct. In fact the text in the 1st image looks a little skewed as well. Most likely these images are fake, however they are pretty close to how I envision the next iPhone to look like.

    estructura del adn. La estructura del adn en
  • La estructura del adn en

  • Nd2ski00
    Apr 6, 12:42 AM
    Should be as popular as a TV channel with non stop commercials.

    estructura del adn. Estructura molecular de la Taq
  • Estructura molecular de la Taq

  • JustARumor
    Mar 24, 03:46 PM
    While OS X was a huge step for Apple--and an absolutely critical one--I'd argue that it wasn't the *first* step in their turnaround. That role belongs to the original iMac. By the time OS X came around, more iMacs had been sold than all Macs for the previous several years, and every PC company was trying to copy it with some flavor of their own. It had also revolutionized the peripherals market by pushing USB from being a minor side technology to being the primary connectivity method.

    estructura del adn. la estructura del ADN,
  • la estructura del ADN,

  • hulugu
    May 5, 02:06 PM
    ...A doctor has no way of knowing the circumstances of somebody's homelife--and since there are tens of millions of homes I submit that there is no "One size fits all" to allow some outsider's judgement. He is no expert on firearms use or safety, absent being a "gunny" himself....

    Maybe it's just my doctor, but they tend to ask what would otherwise be rude questions.

    Do you smoke?
    What did you have for dinner last night?
    Have you had unprotected sex?
    What drugs�legal or illegal�have you used in the past six months?

    So, to me a question about firearms in the home seems perfectly within the scope of evaluating risks, and more probably, helping to provide information for parents.

    ...Both should be perfectly legal for the physician to ask about, but common sense and general courtesy would suggest that the physician should stick to more physiology related questioning.

    I disagree, in the case of a farm, knowing this can help the doctor to ask about exposure to organophosphates or ringworm. The more information has, generally, the better the doctor's ability to assess care.

    Doctors shouldn't ask these questions to be busybodies, but to make good decisions and provide care.

    estructura del adn. la estructura del ADN en el
  • la estructura del ADN en el

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Sep 28, 01:15 PM
    No screening room (

    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

    estructura del adn. Estructura química del ADN
  • Estructura química del ADN

  • Cromulent
    Nov 11, 05:44 PM
    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree... The objective games in MW2 are great IMHO. Black Ops looks and feels ***** in comparison.

    I guess so. I feel the same exact way about MW2. To me that game was ugly and poorly paced where as CoD Black Ops has improved the level design immensely and made the game play much more interesting and varied.

    estructura del adn. Estructura de ADN hecha con
  • Estructura de ADN hecha con

  • JTR7
    Oct 2, 02:30 PM
    Maybe that's not an axiom for "degree of caring" for some people. To the contrary, and considering that Jobs seems to have an affinity to some Japanese aesthetic sensibilities, the "eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing" imperative for family space presumes some degree of sharing of such spaces with no negative notion of "lesser". To make all such facilities that private makes them isolated, stifling the family-oriented intimacy of the desired imperative. Perhaps more so, the extra bedrooms get only part-time use, so there is no need to commit extensive resources full-time to serving each of them individually (see prior comments on why no library/gym/sauna/screening-room/etc.).

    I don't have a problem with your philosophy. In my own home, only the master has its own bath (moreso because the house was built prior to the fad of private baths for individual bedrooms). However, I do not believe that comments such as "Some people obviously want their homes to feel like a home rather than a hotel." are fair. If true777 wants to have a large home, its his/her prerogative. Maybe you all should stop judging how others spend their money. Many of you seem to think that luxuries cannot be used for family time. As if you can't watch a movie with another person.

    "Deserve" is a loaded term here.
    It's his home. You're a guest therein. Yes, the homeowner gets the best facilities therein, and only the snooty see that as a snub. If nothing else, he's there and using some areas full-time/daily, while guests are occasional.

    Of late I'm more struck by how many people presume everyone else must think like them, and impute malice where others don't. Whither celebrating diversity?

    I don't know why you're applying this to me. I did say that my comments were speculation. I'm only providing a speculative reason for why people give individual bedrooms individual baths.

    Right, we wouldn't want any little princelings to have to share a baath, would we? After all, doing so might compromise their senses of entitlement and privilege. :rolleyes:

    Who are you to judge how I'd raise my kids? I earned my money, and I'll spend it however I damn well please.

    estructura del adn. La Estructura del ADN;
  • La Estructura del ADN;

  • Slammy
    Mar 28, 03:52 PM
    1) Do you want to make things that are "insanely great".


    2) Do you want to make the most amount of money?

    Because my understanding of awards is that they are usually given to encourage and reward the best, not the best of a subset, but the best of all.

    If the majority of previous award winners are NOT in the app store, it would suggest that these awards will NOT be to encourage or reward the best, but rather as a cynical marketing tool. So what is it Apple, are you cynical marketeers, or are you creators of and encouragers of that which is insanely great?

    Oct 4, 01:19 AM
    I really want Apple to announce the iPhone and preview Leopard more. I recently bought a MacBook Pro, and am interested in some new software.

    I hope the iPhone comes out with Verizon, as I feel their service is SO much better than Cingular's. And their customer service has been stellar so far in my experience.

    Jul 22, 07:34 AM
    I'm sorry, but these video stunts are just bogus and have no credibility. Clearly on 3 of them the person holding the phone is applying a lot of vice-like pressure and squeezing the phones as hard as possible. You can see the arm shaking from applying so much force and the thumb turns red. Do they think people are that stupid? That is far removed from realistic usage of the phones, whereas the problem with the iPhone 4 is just touching it in a certain spot.

    Apple is making it worse because instead of just being honest and forthcoming, they are now lying and trying to distract from the real issue. People will be understanding and wouldn't care if Apple would just be contrite, educate people about facts and make an attempt to rectify the situation. They did that by giving away the bumpers and sharing the data about dropped calls which helps their case that it is still a great phone, but everything else they have done damages their brand. Their attempt to mislead people from the facts is not helping.

    Oct 11, 10:23 AM
    Man I think this 'true' video ipod thing is dumb. Are widescreen TV's called 'true' TVs? Until ALL video content is 16:9, you're going to have black pillars on half your content whether it's 4:3 or 16:9.

    Screw a widescreen ipod. Give me the current ipod video with the screen turned sideways and made larger like the zune.

    Jan 5, 09:35 AM
    There is also no guarantee that the link will be active during the keynote (aka live) .

    Oh, no...I don't think much of anyone expects there to be live coverage. They did away with that some time ago. But the QT archived video should be up within a few hours after the keynote ends.

    Dec 6, 06:07 PM
    I like Black Ops multi-player the best out of all the CODs etc. It seems that fixed up a lot of outstanding gameplay mechanics and issues. Much less frustrating than MOW2.

    what is your primary 'go to' kit? shot gun? or running and stabbing? that seems to be the only way to play this game....this game is for kids.

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