If you want to be unique and different from the other truckers, then go on the internet and search for a reseller specializing in selling the kits. Most resellers offer a wide variety of train whistles and horns, some which are replicas of the original train whistles and horns used by railroad companies since the time trains started moving across the country. Now, as you move your rig across country from location to location you too can have a unique and distinctive sound when glow alerts everyone that you are approaching.
Most resellers offering them also off kits for installation and mounting of the horns they supply. Make sure you select a kit that allows your unique horn to be mounted on your unique trucking rig. The kits are easy to assemble and come with direction for installation and mounting. Many times the kits will come in different colors or styles to match the horns you select and blend with the finish of your rig. Some people adding kits and horns to their trucks get them painted exactly like the finish on their trucks while others select complimentary colors and finishes.
The internet resellers offer many train horns for cars with varying sounds. Some of the horns are single tone blasts while others can play many tones or tunes. There are also horns that sound like whistles or chimes. So when making your selection on sounds, make sure you select the sound that will most identify with you, your image, and your rig. Once you start blowing your horn when traveling down the highway or arriving at a destination, people will know you are coming by your unique sound.
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