There are also car decals which have a combination of both the slogans and cartoons. They are also available in floral designs. Many of these also feature fairies, butterflies and stars. These designs are mostly popular amongst the women drivers. For the men, there are these animals' cartoons, sports and recreation decals, patriotic stickers, band and music stickers etc. For family cars, there are car decals available depicting holidays or religions.
The most popular are the trade and profession car decals which are easily spotted, like the doctor's cross on the windshield of a doctor's car or an 'L' sign in a learning driver's car. There are car decal manufacturing companies which even offer custom made car decals. If ordered these are made according to the needs and likes of the customer. But in most cases, custom made car stickers are non exchangeable, unless of course there is a defect.
There are some car stickers which bear the invert sign. The invert car decals are meant to be stuck on the exterior of the car and not inside. Not all the stickers are invert car stickers. wide range of pastel shades and a combination of bright colors are available . The stickers with gold and silver glitters are the most popular. These days, glitter graphic car decals are also available in pink, purple, blue, black and red. Metallic glitter decals are also in.
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